Ringway MGP-150-WH Beyaz Dijital Kuyruklu Piyano

Ringway MGP-150-WH Beyaz Dijital Kuyruklu Piyano

Ürün Kodu: MGP-150-WH
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dijital piyanolar tabure ve kulaklık hediyeli

Ringway MGP-150-WH Beyaz Dijital Kuyruklu Piyano

Klavye: Piyano tuş hassasiyetli 88 standart boy hammer tuş (A-1 C7)
Ekran: 16*2 LCD ekran.
Polyphony: 64
Sesler: 128 PCM ses+ 9 Drum set
Ses kontrol: Volume, Layer, Tune, Transpose, Octave, Grand Piyano
Pedal Kontrol: Sustain Pedal, Soft Pedal, Sostenuto Pedal
Efekt: 8 Reverb Types and Reverb Level,8 Chorus Types and Chorus Level,
EQ Bass Level,EQ Treble Level
Stiller: 100
Stil Özellikleri: Synchro Start, Intro, Ending, Fill In, Variation, Accompaniment.Volume, One Touch Setting,
Metronom: (1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/4, 3/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, 12/8)
Tempo: 20-280
Klavye kontrol: Chord, Full keyboard, Harmony, Split, Duet,
Demo: 16 + 55 ders
Kayıt bellek: 5 x 6
Diğerleri: One Voice Button defined by customer
Arayüz: AC güç soketi, Line In, Line Out, USB, MIDI IN, MIDI Out, 2 kulaklık girişi
Hoparlörler: 20W/4 ohm * 2; 5W/4 ohm * 2; 20W/6 ohm *2
Hediyeleri: Tabure ve Kulaklık

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